List of MeSH codes (E01)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "E01" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
- 1 MeSH E01 --- diagnosis
- 1.1 MeSH E01.158 --- diagnosis, computer-assisted
- 1.2 MeSH E01.171 --- diagnosis, differential
- 1.3 MeSH E01.190 --- diagnosis, dual (psychiatry)
- 1.4 MeSH E01.354 --- diagnostic errors
- 1.5 MeSH E01.370 --- diagnostic techniques and procedures
- 1.5.1 MeSH E01.370.100 --- breath tests
- 1.5.2 MeSH E01.370.350 --- diagnostic imaging
- 1.5.3 MeSH E01.370.370 --- diagnostic techniques, cardiovascular
- 1.5.4 MeSH E01.370.372 --- diagnostic techniques, digestive system
- 1.5.5 MeSH E01.370.374 --- diagnostic techniques, endocrine
- 1.5.6 MeSH E01.370.376 --- diagnostic techniques, neurological
- 1.5.7 MeSH E01.370.378 --- diagnostic techniques, obstetrical and gynecological
- 1.5.8 MeSH E01.370.380 --- diagnostic techniques, ophthalmological
- 1.5.9 MeSH E01.370.382 --- diagnostic techniques, otological
- 1.5.10 MeSH E01.370.384 --- diagnostic techniques, radioisotope
- 1.5.11 MeSH E01.370.386 --- diagnostic techniques, respiratory system
- 1.5.12 MeSH E01.370.388 --- diagnostic techniques, surgical
- 1.5.13 MeSH E01.370.390 --- diagnostic techniques, urological
- 1.5.14 MeSH E01.370.395 --- diagnostic tests, routine
- 1.5.15 MeSH E01.370.400 --- disability evaluation
- 1.5.16 MeSH E01.370.405 --- electrodiagnosis
- 1.5.17 MeSH E01.370.450 --- insufflation
- 1.5.18 MeSH E01.370.475 --- kymography
- 1.5.19 MeSH E01.370.500 --- mass screening
- 1.5.20 MeSH E01.370.510 --- medical history taking
- 1.5.21 MeSH E01.370.520 --- monitoring, physiologic
- 1.5.22 MeSH E01.370.530 --- myography
- 1.5.23 MeSH E01.370.550 --- neoplasm staging
- 1.5.24 MeSH E01.370.600 --- physical examination
- 1.5.25 MeSH E01.370.610 --- plethysmography
- 1.5.26 MeSH E01.370.620 --- premarital examinations
- 1.5.27 MeSH E01.370.750 --- skin tests
- 1.5.28 MeSH E01.370.760 --- speech production measurement
- 1.5.29 MeSH E01.370.985 --- xenodiagnosis
- 1.6 MeSH E01.390 --- early diagnosis
- 1.7 MeSH E01.410 --- incidental findings
- 1.8 MeSH E01.450 --- laboratory techniques and procedures
- 1.9 MeSH E01.789 --- prognosis
MeSH E01.158 --- diagnosis, computer-assisted
MeSH E01.158.600 --- image interpretation, computer-assisted
MeSH E01.190 --- diagnosis, dual (psychiatry)
MeSH E01.354 --- diagnostic errors
- MeSH E01.370.350.350 --- image interpretation, computer-assisted
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.349 --- neuronavigation
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.700 --- radiographic image interpretation, computer-assisted
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.800 --- tomography, emission-computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.800.700 --- positron-emission tomography
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.800.800 --- tomography, emission-computed, single-photon
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.810 --- tomography, x-ray computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.810.180 --- colonography, computed tomographic
- MeSH E01.370.350.350.810.800 --- tomography, spiral computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.400 --- imaging, three-dimensional
- MeSH E01.370.350.400.200 --- echocardiography, three-dimensional
- MeSH E01.370.350.400.200.230 --- echocardiography, four-dimensional
- MeSH E01.370.350.400.500 --- holography
- MeSH E01.370.350.500 --- magnetic resonance imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.500.100 --- cholangiopancreatography, magnetic resonance
- MeSH E01.370.350.500.150 --- diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.500.200 --- echo-planar imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.500.500 --- magnetic resonance angiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.500.510 --- magnetic resonance imaging, cine
- MeSH E01.370.350.515 --- microscopy
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.184 --- dermoscopy
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.370 --- microscopy, acoustic
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.395 --- microscopy, confocal
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.395.500 --- laser scanning cytometry
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402 --- microscopy, electron
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402.150 --- cryoelectron microscopy
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402.250 --- electron probe microanalysis
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402.541 --- microscopy, electron, scanning
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402.580 --- microscopy, electron, transmission
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402.580.480 --- microscopy, electron, scanning transmission
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402.580.500 --- microscopy, energy-filtering transmission electron
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.402.625 --- microscopy, immunoelectron
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.458 --- microscopy, fluorescence
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.458.500 --- microscopy, fluorescence, multiphoton
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.513 --- microscopy, interference
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.513.569 --- microscopy, phase-contrast
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.624 --- microscopy, polarization
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.666 --- microscopy, scanning probe
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.666.400 --- microscopy, atomic force
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.666.500 --- microscopy, scanning tunneling
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.680 --- microscopy, ultraviolet
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.690 --- microscopy, video
- MeSH E01.370.350.515.799 --- photomicrography
- MeSH E01.370.350.600 --- photography
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.300 --- holography
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350 --- image enhancement
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.700 --- radiographic image enhancement
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.700.060 --- angiography, digital subtraction
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.700.690 --- radiography, dental, digital
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.700.700 --- radiography, dual-energy scanned projection
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.700.810 --- tomography, x-ray computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.700.810.180 --- colonography, computed tomographic
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.700.810.800 --- tomography, spiral computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.800 --- tomography, emission-computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.800.399 --- positron-emission tomography
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.350.800.800 --- tomography, emission-computed, single-photon
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.625 --- photofluorography
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.630 --- photogrammetry
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.630.500 --- moire topography
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.631 --- photography, dental
- MeSH E01.370.350.600.635 --- photomicrography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700 --- radiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.050 --- age determination by skeleton
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060 --- angiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.050 --- angiocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.060 --- angiography, digital subtraction
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.070 --- aortography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.180 --- cerebral angiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.190 --- cineangiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.200 --- coronary angiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.600 --- phlebography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.060.610 --- portography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.070 --- arthrography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.150 --- cineradiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.150.190 --- cineangiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.175 --- densitometry, x-ray
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.200 --- electrokymography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.225 --- fluoroscopy
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.225.625 --- photofluorography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.325 --- hysterosalpingography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.475 --- lymphography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.500 --- mammography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.500.975 --- xeromammography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.510 --- microradiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.560 --- neuroradiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.560.180 --- cerebral angiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.560.190 --- cerebral ventriculography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.560.260 --- echoencephalography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.560.260.850 --- ultrasonography, doppler, transcranial
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.560.505 --- myelography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.560.620 --- pneumoencephalography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.625 --- pneumoradiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.625.620 --- pneumoencephalography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.700 --- radiographic image enhancement
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.700.060 --- angiography, digital subtraction
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.700.690 --- radiography, dental, digital
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.700.700 --- radiography, dual-energy scanned projection
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.700.810 --- tomography, x-ray computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.700.810.180 --- colonography, computed tomographic
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.700.810.800 --- tomography, spiral computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.705 --- radiographic image interpretation, computer-assisted
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.710 --- radiographic magnification
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.715 --- radiography, abdominal
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.715.200 --- cholangiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.715.200.200 --- cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.715.200.215 --- cholangiopancreatography, magnetic resonance
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.715.210 --- cholecystography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.715.250 --- defecography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.715.610 --- portography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.720 --- radiography, dental
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.720.050 --- age determination by teeth
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.720.700 --- radiography, bitewing
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.720.720 --- radiography, dental, digital
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.720.750 --- radiography, panoramic
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.720.793 --- sialography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.725 --- radiography, interventional
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.730 --- radiography, thoracic
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.730.100 --- bronchography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.730.500 --- mass chest x-ray
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.810 --- tomography, x-ray
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.810.810 --- tomography, x-ray computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.810.810.180 --- colonography, computed tomographic
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.810.810.800 --- tomography, spiral computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.830 --- urography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.975 --- xeroradiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.700.975.975 --- xeromammography
- MeSH E01.370.350.710 --- radionuclide imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.050 --- absorptiometry, photon
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.710 --- radioimmunodetection
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.715 --- radionuclide angiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.715.700 --- radioisotope renography
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.715.710 --- radionuclide ventriculography
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.715.710.350 --- gated blood-pool imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.715.710.950 --- ventriculography, first-pass
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.800 --- tomography, emission-computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.800.399 --- positron-emission tomography
- MeSH E01.370.350.710.800.800 --- tomography, emission-computed, single-photon
- MeSH E01.370.350.750 --- spectroscopy, near-infrared
- MeSH E01.370.350.755 --- stroboscopy
- MeSH E01.370.350.760 --- subtraction technique
- MeSH E01.370.350.760.060 --- angiography, digital subtraction
- MeSH E01.370.350.760.700 --- radiography, dual-energy scanned projection
- MeSH E01.370.350.800 --- thermography
- MeSH E01.370.350.825 --- tomography
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.500 --- magnetic resonance imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.500.100 --- cholangiopancreatography, magnetic resonance
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.500.150 --- diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.500.200 --- echo-planar imaging
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.500.500 --- magnetic resonance angiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.500.510 --- magnetic resonance imaging, cine
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.800 --- tomography, emission-computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.800.399 --- positron-emission tomography
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.800.800 --- tomography, emission-computed, single-photon
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.805 --- tomography, optical
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.805.500 --- tomography, optical coherence
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.810 --- tomography, x-ray
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.810.810 --- tomography, x-ray computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.825.810.810.800 --- tomography, spiral computed
- MeSH E01.370.350.840 --- transillumination
- MeSH E01.370.350.850 --- ultrasonography
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220 --- echocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220.220 --- echocardiography, doppler
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220.220.220 --- echocardiography, doppler, color
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220.220.225 --- echocardiography, doppler, pulsed
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220.228 --- echocardiography, stress
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220.230 --- echocardiography, three-dimensional
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220.230.230 --- echocardiography, four-dimensional
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.220.235 --- echocardiography, transesophageal
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.260 --- echoencephalography
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.260.850 --- ultrasonography, doppler, transcranial
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.280 --- endosonography
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.565 --- microscopy, acoustic
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850 --- ultrasonography, doppler
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.220 --- echocardiography, doppler
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.220.220 --- echocardiography, doppler, color
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.220.225 --- echocardiography, doppler, pulsed
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.850 --- ultrasonography, doppler, duplex
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.850.850 --- ultrasonography, doppler, color
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.850.850.220 --- echocardiography, doppler, color
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.860 --- ultrasonography, doppler, pulsed
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.860.225 --- echocardiography, doppler, pulsed
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.850.870 --- ultrasonography, doppler, transcranial
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.855 --- ultrasonography, interventional
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.860 --- ultrasonography, mammary
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.865 --- ultrasonography, prenatal
- MeSH E01.370.350.850.865.500 --- nuchal translucency measurement
- MeSH E01.370.350.925 --- whole body imaging
- MeSH E01.370.370.050 --- angiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.050 --- angiocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.060 --- angiography, digital subtraction
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.070 --- aortography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.180 --- cerebral angiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.190 --- cineangiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.200 --- coronary angiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.350 --- fluorescein angiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.500 --- magnetic resonance angiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.600 --- phlebography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.610 --- portography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.650 --- radionuclide angiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.650.650 --- radionuclide ventriculography
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.650.650.350 --- gated blood-pool imaging
- MeSH E01.370.370.050.650.650.950 --- ventriculography, first-pass
- MeSH E01.370.370.065 --- angioscopy
- MeSH E01.370.370.120 --- blood circulation time
- MeSH E01.370.370.130 --- blood flow velocity
- MeSH E01.370.370.140 --- blood pressure determination
- MeSH E01.370.370.140.100 --- blood pressure monitoring, ambulatory
- MeSH E01.370.370.150 --- blood volume determination
- MeSH E01.370.370.170 --- capillary fragility
- MeSH E01.370.370.380 --- heart function tests
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.050 --- angiocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.100 --- ballistocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.150 --- cardiac output
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.150.700 --- stroke volume
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.160 --- cardiography, impedance
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.170 --- cardiotocography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.200 --- coronary angiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220 --- echocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220.220 --- echocardiography, doppler
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220.220.220 --- echocardiography, doppler, color
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220.220.225 --- echocardiography, doppler, pulsed
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220.228 --- echocardiography, stress
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220.230 --- echocardiography, three-dimensional
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220.230.230 --- echocardiography, four-dimensional
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.220.235 --- echocardiography, transesophageal
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.240 --- electrocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.240.100 --- body surface potential mapping
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.240.230 --- electrocardiography, ambulatory
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.240.850 --- vectorcardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.240.850.100 --- body surface potential mapping
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.245 --- electrophysiologic techniques, cardiac
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.250 --- exercise test
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.400 --- heart auscultation
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.400.500 --- phonocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.410 --- heart catheterization
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.410.200 --- catheter ablation
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.410.210 --- catheterization, swan-ganz
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.450 --- kinetocardiography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.600 --- oximetry
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.600.100 --- blood gas monitoring, transcutaneous
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.650 --- pulse
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.710 --- radionuclide ventriculography
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.710.350 --- gated blood-pool imaging
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.710.950 --- ventriculography, first-pass
- MeSH E01.370.370.380.950 --- valsalva maneuver
- MeSH E01.370.370.475 --- laser-doppler flowmetry
- MeSH E01.370.370.560 --- microscopic angioscopy
- MeSH E01.370.370.610 --- plethysmography
- MeSH E01.370.370.610.600 --- photoplethysmography
- MeSH E01.370.370.610.610 --- plethysmography, impedance
- MeSH E01.370.370.610.610.200 --- cardiography, impedance
- MeSH E01.370.370.750 --- tilt-table test
MeSH E01.370.372 --- diagnostic techniques, digestive system
MeSH E01.370.374 --- diagnostic techniques, endocrine
MeSH E01.370.376 --- diagnostic techniques, neurological
MeSH E01.370.378 --- diagnostic techniques, obstetrical and gynecological
MeSH E01.370.380 --- diagnostic techniques, ophthalmological
MeSH E01.370.382 --- diagnostic techniques, otological
MeSH E01.370.384 --- diagnostic techniques, radioisotope
MeSH E01.370.386 --- diagnostic techniques, respiratory system
MeSH E01.370.388 --- diagnostic techniques, surgical
MeSH E01.370.390 --- diagnostic techniques, urological
MeSH E01.370.395 --- diagnostic tests, routine
MeSH E01.370.760 --- speech production measurement
MeSH E01.450 --- laboratory techniques and procedures
- MeSH E01.450.495.100 --- basophil degranulation test
- MeSH E01.450.495.150 --- cell migration inhibition
- MeSH E01.450.495.160 --- cytotoxicity tests, immunologic
- MeSH E01.450.495.160.155 --- complement hemolytic activity assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.225 --- fluorescent antibody technique
- MeSH E01.450.495.225.050 --- antibody-coated bacteria test, urinary
- MeSH E01.450.495.225.225 --- fluorescent antibody technique, direct
- MeSH E01.450.495.225.230 --- fluorescent antibody technique, indirect
- MeSH E01.450.495.225.240 --- fluoroimmunoassay
- MeSH E01.450.495.225.240.225 --- fluorescence polarization immunoassay
- MeSH E01.450.495.375 --- hemolytic plaque technique
- MeSH E01.450.495.385 --- histocompatibility testing
- MeSH E01.450.495.385.120 --- blood grouping and crossmatching
- MeSH E01.450.495.385.475 --- lymphocyte culture test, mixed
- MeSH E01.450.495.400 --- immune adherence reaction
- MeSH E01.450.495.410 --- immunoassay
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.320 --- immunoblotting
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.320.100 --- blotting, western
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.320.100.200 --- blotting, far-western
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.350 --- immunoenzyme techniques
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.350.200 --- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.350.210 --- enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.380 --- immunosorbent techniques
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.380.200 --- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.380.810 --- radioallergosorbent test
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.380.825 --- radioimmunoprecipitation assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.380.830 --- radioimmunosorbent test
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.700 --- radioimmunoassay
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.700.405 --- immunoradiometric assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.700.810 --- radioallergosorbent test
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.700.825 --- radioimmunoprecipitation assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.410.700.830 --- radioimmunosorbent test
- MeSH E01.450.495.460 --- leukocyte adherence inhibition test
- MeSH E01.450.495.505 --- monitoring, immunologic
- MeSH E01.450.495.620 --- pregnancy tests, immunologic
- MeSH E01.450.495.735 --- serologic tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.050 --- agglutination tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.050.375 --- hemagglutination tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.050.375.150 --- coombs test
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.050.450 --- latex fixation tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.060 --- aids serodiagnosis
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.150 --- complement fixation tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.155 --- complement hemolytic activity assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.360 --- hemadsorption inhibition tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.370 --- hemagglutination inhibition tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.550 --- neutralization tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.550.750 --- skin test end-point titration
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.645 --- precipitin tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.645.300 --- flocculation tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.645.350 --- immunodiffusion
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.645.350.350 --- immunoelectrophoresis
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.645.350.350.150 --- counterimmunoelectrophoresis
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.645.350.350.350 --- immunoelectrophoresis, two-dimensional
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.830 --- radioallergosorbent test
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.840 --- radioimmunoprecipitation assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.850 --- syphilis serodiagnosis
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.850.200 --- fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
- MeSH E01.450.495.735.850.800 --- treponema immobilization test
- MeSH E01.450.495.750 --- skin tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.750.300 --- intradermal tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.750.300.540 --- kveim test
- MeSH E01.450.495.750.300.750 --- skin test end-point titration
- MeSH E01.450.495.750.450 --- local lymph node assay
- MeSH E01.450.495.750.600 --- passive cutaneous anaphylaxis
- MeSH E01.450.495.750.610 --- patch tests
- MeSH E01.450.495.750.800 --- tuberculin test
MeSH E01.450.855 --- sex determination (analysis)